Update 18.3: Parry the Accuracy Bonus!?

Minor update after a couple of community-contributed issues. Did you know you can join my FWO Discord server to contribute to error checking and get errata?

  • Fixed spelling, styling, and spacing in a couple places.
  • Added a translation note on "Mizuho", a historical name of Japan.
  • Rewrote the Complimentary GM Ticket text to read a little better.
  • Corrected the "Max:" values for Specialize (Warrior) and Additional Shield (Master Knight), extended Additional Shield's text to confirm intended rules.
  • Corrected the bonus values for "Weapon Training: ~": Parry should be +SL, Accuracy should be +SL * 2.

Some errors were also reported for some of the other PDFs. No update pushed out just yet because those PDFs are still built for older software and need style/layout updating, but "Eidolon" in Episode 2 should have the following Skill text for "Paralyzing Kiss".

Suck out massive amounts of blood, numbing an enemy. The target takes (3d6 + 75) damage that ignores Defenses, and the Paralyzed ailment, and the user recovers the damage dealt as HP.


Filled With Online - Core Rulebook 10 MB
Apr 19, 2024

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