A downloadable sourcebook

This product is a set of additional books for Filled With Online. Start there if you have no idea what this is.

Once, Filtwith's people knew themselves to be the wards of extradimensional protectors. Now, another extradimensional faction appears: Eroders, aberrant beings who seek to consume all within Filtwith.

Eroders come from "Sefirot", where they played the role of monsters in a world made to test Deep Learning AI. To satisfy their unending hunger, they have crossed the barrier between worlds and entered Filtwith. When faced with these monsters, there is no negotiation, no recourse other than to fight, escape, or be eaten.

It is not only inside Filtwith that these threats exist, however. "Apostles", Cognizants who have been won over by the whispers of Jibril the Primary Sanctarch, carry out Sefirot's will within and without, as such that not even logging out means you're safe.

Demonkind aligns with humanity to fight off this external threat, introducing several new play options in the "Demon Perspective" book. (You can also use these Classes to build enemies for Episode 1 content!)


Filled With Online - Demon Perspective 1.1 MB

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